Week 8

Above is the frame that my animation will have to fit into, However when i submit i will have to remember to remove the frame as it is only template and would interfere with the compiling of everyone animations. I decided that i needed to finish the entire length of the background off before completing the 2nd underwater animation, following my early research i tried to give a sense of depth and also a sense of realistic light fall off in my work, However at the bottom is a lot brighter, this is  because i wanted there to be a separation between the murky and dirty top and the clean bottom.
Upon finishing the ocean i had to create the objects within in, including the plug and the rubbish, to do this i created a spreassheet and drew lots of various pieces of garbage, and then removed the background and placed them in the image, and gave them a floating animation in AE.

Once that and the plug was added to the scene, i created a basic animation of haroun swimming down, with the background panning down,  with the plug following suit and also the rubbish floating as well, below is the result of that, i am pretty happy with the outcome of the scene.

Once this was done it was handed over to my work partner charlie which compliled all the works into an animatic, to give the client an idea of what the final product would look like

I was unable to attend the meeting where the animatic was shown for feedback, but my friend charlie wrote this on his blog, which is linked at the bottom:
"This week was presentation week for our animatic. Due to certain circumstances I ended up taking the responsibility of editing and spent the whole night awake working on this edit to try and cut all the material together. This was mainly due to a lack of communication and some people not sending my the correct timings for their work meaning I was left to try and assemble the puzzle together with no idea of where the parts would go. However some people did come to my rescue at 3 in the morning and helped me adjust certain scenes. One unforeseen issue was that a certain file was also corrupted and meant that I had to wait till the actual lecture at 9 am to get the correct footage off of the individual, as well as then adjust certain scenes and correct the timings for what scene started where and include a time stamp in the corner. 
Another issue I encountered in the edit was that some people had sent different file types, such as GIF's or JPEG (in one case, not even a video sent to me, just images which I had then to adjust into a video format). Additionally some people had also not sent the files over without masks or as a rough idea and sent in some cases a near complete scene. This meant that the continuity between certain scenes didn't match up so is something that may need to be looked into in future. However having some nearly finished scenes seemed to go well with the drama students who liked to see the overall look of how it might be style wise as well as the rough flow of how it will work.

On top of a lack of sleep I also went to present the work alongside another student who had noticed how exhausted I was at the time which was really beneficial to me as I really was beginning to feel the night catching up to me. On top of this we also presented a power point together which showed off all of the other students developed work, including a few screenshots from my own development but sadly not the final scene I had created so far in After Effects.

As a whole the presentation went okay though, with the majority of scenes being loved with a few minor adjustments needed to others. One issue we came across though was that for a few scenes we needed to create some additional sub - scenes which would help with the narrative of the story more, such as an additional set of underwater scenes or more city scape scenes as well. "

Link to charlies blog: https://sites.google.com/site/thenarativecharles/week-7


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