Week 4+5 - Designing Life and Haroun

This week i began with the actual animation process of the scene to begin i began to try and create forms of life for my animation, above is a design for a light pulsing jellyfish which would nearly disappear when the light pulse completes, i was happy with this design. However, we had a 2nd meeting with the clients and was told that due to the plot of the story, the sea of stories is currently desolate and lifeless due to the plug stopping stories from being released into the sea.

In the wake of this, i decided the redirect my efforts into creating a swimming animation for Haroun, i began by finding some references that would help me create my animation. i wanted to create a hand drawn point to point animation, showing what i have learnt in my human locomotion module that i took last year.

Related image

I spent most of my time these two weeks creating my animation for this. Due to being unable to access the Computers are Uni, i downloaded a 3rd party program comprable to ToonBoom, called Opentoonz. It worked in a very similar fashion to ToonBoom and i was quickly able to learn the interface. I then proceeded to create my animation using point to point, which i had drawn by hand and then scanned into the Computer.

Here is my first render of the swimming animation, without colour, it was taken on my phone to send to my colleague to gauge their approval, as i didn't want to render, as i immediately wanted to colour the animation. However, this was a mistake that i would come to regret, while i was colouring in my Animation my computer crashed with the "blue screen of death". When i had booted my computer  back up, i  came to find that the animation file i was working on had corrupted and when i managed to load i back up, some 120 frames out of the 130 frame animation loop were gone. This was somewhat heartbreaking as this animation took so long and with this i have nothing more than my point to point sheet and a mobile video to show for it, and whats more i have no evidence of colouring, AND i do not now have enough time to redo this animation and will have to create an alternative animation in the time remaining.


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