Week 2 - Post meeting

The meeting with the drama students happened this week. We were shown a snippet of their performance to help us understand what kind of performance they had intended. We then discussed more technical details with them as to how our animation would be shown. A showing of how our animation would play was very helpful in understanding and figuring out how to compose our animations.

As we found out last week, the 3 places the play would take place were the Real world, Gup and Chup, fantasy cities, forming a ying yang between the two cities. Our group was tasked with working on Chup city, the city of darkness. This fit our groups research last week in which the images we researched were of a dark aesthetic.

Continuing with this, our group went off and researched real life places, buildings and other such things to draw inspiration from. we wanted sort of a Asiafuturism landscape so began looking at places such as japan and china, i was also tasked with dealing with underwater locations so also researched the coral reefs as well as how other forms of media depict this area. below is my research.

Image result for china cityscapeImage result for tokyoImage result for china cityscapeImage result for tokyoImage result for japanese buildingsImage result for tokyo templesImage result for tokyo temples
Image result for coral reefImage result for coral reefImage result for coral reef deadImage result for coral reef deadImage result for subnauticaImage result for subnautica


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