Synopsis and Animatic

The year is 2112. The world megadon is living under the tyranny of the federation, whom the priests that reside in the temple of syrinx rule absolute, the censor everything you see and hear, without any questions. One day a farmer finds a miracle in a cave near the waterfall, a guitar. He tunes and learns how to play the guitar and is overcome with the music. He decides to show it to the priests, he believes that they will praise his name for letting people make their own music. However, at his presentation, he is met with rejection, as the priests dismiss his idea, as it "doesnt fit the plan". They destroy his guitar and tell him not to annoy them further. The man stumbles home, having no words to say, he falls into a deep sleep. Where he is met by an Oracle, which shows him life free from oppression. Now, having seen what his life "could be", he feels that he has become without purpose.
He heads back to the cave and mulls for weeks. In the end, he decides that he cannot continue with this life and takes his own life, hoping that he will return to the world he saw.

I am happy with how the animatic turned out, i like the change in colour between the real world and the world he dreamt of. i feel that if i were to create this into a full animation that the surrealist imagary would look great. For this reason i feel that it has been a successful animatic project.

If i were to improve things i would smooth out some of the art and draw more frames to give a better idea of how things would look when they were fully animated.


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